The Weaknesses Of Homer's Odyssey

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Easily tempted by a challenge. Odyssey had many strengths. Also, he had weaknesses that will lead him to face conflicts in the future. His strengths, weaknesses, and conflicts put his men through a life changing experience.

Odyssey has numerous strengths. He fought bravely in the Trojan War and rescued his men from Circe, by preparing his men (Homer). Even though he had many strengths, he had sundry weaknesses.

Odyssey also had several weaknesses. He wanted to hear the sirens but didn't want to die. Putting his and his men's life on the line he “had” to hear them so he heard them by tying himself up. “My feet and arms with strong coercion bound, of cordage to the mast-foot well secured” (Homer). With his strengths and weaknesses,