
The Weeping Time And Its Impact On Africa After The Slave Trade

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The people who were trying to buy the slaves treated them as if they were animals. The buyers felt on the slave’s muscles, put their fingers inside of the slave’s mouths, and made sure that there were no wounds or deformities. Once the bidding had begun, the slaves were selling quickly. Pierce Butler had made an enormous amount of money during the two day sale. He made a little over 300,000 dollars. It was more than enough to cover his financial debt. He was happy to be able to pay off his debt, but he also regretted it. He was sad that he had to sell his slaves to strangers. He knew what the outcome of his actions were and he could not do anything about it. Countless of families torn apart and taken from the home that they had come to terms with. The Weeping Time was an immensely tragic part of history that had changed hundreds of slaves live’s. …show more content…

The slaves who were kidnapped and sold left Africa in a bind. Most of the people who had to stay behind were elders and young children. This meant that they had no one to help them to survive. The strong fathers who usually provided the meals each day were long gone. It was now up to the children and the elders to provide for themselves. They would have to hunt and cook, which many children did not know how to do. The babies who were left behind eventually died because they needed their mother’s milk in order to live. Many more people passed away from malnutrition and diseases that had no cure. During the raids for people to capture the healthy and strong slaves, many children and elders were murdered because they had no use. The African economy plummeted due to their loss of people. Many natural resources were taken along with the people. Africa suffered greatly after the slave trade. The reconstruction of Africa took several years and I doubt if they are the

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