The Woman On The Street Analysis

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In, “Part four: New York City”, while getting ready for school, Jeannette listens to a radio report of a shabby van breaking down on the highway. Later she learns it is her parents ' van and that Mom and Dad have decided to move to New York City to be near the family. They moved to a flophouse to Lori 's apartment as their inability to pay rent catches up with them. Brian, on seeing Lori stressed out by life with their father, lets him move into his apartment. However, he refuses to live under Brian 's "no alcohol" rules and Lori can 't handle their mother 's hordering lifestyle and so finally they end up living on the street. Mom and Dad claim to like homelessness, spending their days going to free events around the city and seeking out shelters and soup kitchens. Jeannette is torn by the adjust in her parents ' lives. While speaking in a class discussion about the causes of homelessness, Jeannette claims it is a matter of preference, or a series of choices, but is unable to admit that she is claiming this based on personal …show more content…

Now we’re back to the social classes issue for Jeannette like in “The Woman on the Street”. Walls establishes these questions by depicting her parent’s descent into homelessness. Each child, in his or her own way, tries to help Mom and Dad adjust to New York City. Both Lori and Brian take them in; Jeannette visits every once in a while. But, in the end, they cannot change their parents — and their parents end up living on the streets. Jeannette is now the strong, independent woman she envisioned for herself. But in her two interactions with the issue of homelessness — first with a friend walking down the street and second in the classroom — Jeannette is unable to reconcile her "new" self with her old "self." As the Walls siblings adjust to their parents ' new state