The Woman Warrior Hero Journey

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Stages of a hero myth:
On page 20 it states, “Inside the clouds… I would break clear into a yellow, warm world. New trees would lean toward me at mountain angles but when I look for the village, it would have vanished under the clouds.”
This is a quote on the first stage of a hero myth, the origin. Kingston fantasies that a day would come to her when she would be able to fulfill her promise for herself, to become a woman warrior which is merely impossible in the world she is living in because of the gender ideology of oppression towards women having to be either a slave or a wive. The birth of a hero is usually surrounded by an unusual circumstances and for Kingston, she is a miraculous birth. She is given an opportunity to fulfill her dream after she follows a bird up a mountain where the bird shows her a hut where a old man and woman lives after following he bird for days thus this means for those days, she left her home to follow the bird as if she knows it was her calling for her to pursue. This shows how chapter 2 “White Tigers” of The Woman Warrior follows the first stage of a hero myth. …show more content…

The Journey
On page 22, the old man asked Kingston what she prefers to do: “You can go back right now if you like. You can go pull sweet potatoes or you can stay with us and learn how to fight barbarians and bandits.”
This is a quote showing that the chapter “White Tigers” of The Woman Warrior follows the second stage of a hero myth. In Kingston’s fantasy, she leavs her hom and goes on a journey to become a woman warrior.
