
The Working Man's Prayer Rhetorical Analysis

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Picture a life where every intricate detail of any trade took a large amount of time to do but it had to be done for the survival of the human kind. Now picture it’s the turn of the 20th century, everyone and everything in the united states was revolutionizing. Many inventions are being born and many machines are making these intricate jobs more effortless. Life before was merely a memory. Many living in the united states and others that were living in other countries were ready to seek for better opportunities and finally become part of the working, middle class. Little did they know, those big businesses were going to take over their lives. The upper-class citizens who owned these businesses did not have any interest for the workers; they …show more content…

The business guys were very self-centered and didn’t care about the well-being of their employees. They demanded an abundant amount of back breaking work from their employee with no incentives for them. Many workers were getting annoyed with their bosses and wanted a change from them. the occurrence of The Working Man’s Prayer is a sarcastic critique of Andrew Carnegie’s philanthropy. In this critique, it is said how Carnegie lowers the pay of workers, how the workers are compared to slaves, and it says Carnegie spends workers’ wages in pleasuring himself with travels and goods. (Doc 11) This critique explains the focal point of citizens’ opinion on one of the most powerful men in the beginning of the twentieth century. Understanding the workers’ opinions is a very crucial to understand why workers wanted to go against these unjust work conditions. During this time, many believed everything around them was great and progressing when honestly everything was shiny and new on the outside but dark and grimy on the inside. Therefore, Mark Twain wrote a book called the Gilded Age, (gilded meaning objects covered in gold paint but inside it’s a weak material), to show how everything wasn’t as it seems. An excerpt from Gilded Age tells us how companies are greedy and corrupted by charging hidden fees and finding a way not to pay their workers. It also shows how companies did not take contracts to their workers seriously. (Doc 2) If the Federal Government was more involved with how business men did their work; there wouldn’t have been so much deceitfulness toward the workers from the employers. The Federal Government could have put efforts into regulating pay for employees and making sure the companies stuck to their word about any benefits. The Federal government could’ve intervened to discipline these owners to make them realize the

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