The World Is Flat 3.0, By Thomas Friedman

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In the book, The World Is Flat 3.0, it says that CQ + PQ > IQ means; “I have concluded that in a flat world, IQ — intelligence quotient — still matters, but CQ and PQ—curiosity quotient and passion quotient — matter even more” (Friedman). When Thomas Friedman gave the equation, CQ + PQ > IQ, what does it mean? CQ is someone’s curiosity quotient. Someone’s curiosity is there desire to know or learn about something. PQ is someone’s passion quotient. Someone’s passion is there interest in the subject. IQ is someone’s intelligence quotient. Unlike the curiosity quotient and passion quotient your intelligence quotient is a score from a standardized test. Thomas Friedman said that curiosity quotient and you passion quotient is greater than your intelligence quotient, but why did he say that? An example of CQ + PQ > IQ is writing papers. For a class I have taken in the past I had to write a paper on nuclear waste. The instructor for the class had decided it for me and the requirement was I had to write a persuasive essay about the topic and it had to be at least five pages. I had no real feelings for this topic, in fact I had not ever thought too much about nuclear waste. When I went to research it I did not look too hard just went to the University database typed nuclear waste …show more content…

The one that I relate to the best is muscles. As an employee, I do not expect to stay at a job for my whole career. One of my teachers this semester in computer science told my class to not stay any job to much longer than two years, because the first year you are learning about the company and what programing languages they use, the next year is to excel and do everything correctly. Then go look for a new job that will build your skills and repeat the process. By learning new skills I am not fat to a company but I am muscle, valuable, to a

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