Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay On Marriage

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The Varied Perspectives of Marriage Introduction What couple do you think of when you hear the word marriage? What does marriage mean to you? What makes a couple ready for marriage? The majority of people’s perception of marriage is influenced by their mother and father’s relationship, as well as by the marriages of the relatives they grew up with. Marriage is the legal bonding of two individuals dedicated to loving each other through sickness and health. Couples are typically ready for marriage when they can’t picture a life without their significant other and want to build a life together. However there is no definite answer to the question of ‘when” a couple is ready for marriage as every relationship is unique. Janie, unfamiliar with …show more content…

The novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston tells the story of Janie Stark’s discovery of fulfilling love and peace of mind as she struggles with power …show more content…

In the African American community and especially during the early 20th century, gender roles such as, women cooking and raising kids, while men work and provide for the family, were prevalent and looked as the golden rule to having a successful relationship or marriage. Many within her community resonated with these ideals and tied their love to upholding the standard while Janie herself never cared for the cycle, only ever longing for meaningful connection. Ms. Turner, a mixed race woman, believes that white people and those with lighter skin tones are superior to black people which bleeds into her idea of marriage. Like Janie’s grandmother the only marriage worth settling for is one that improves her living conditions and she resonated deeply with the idea of marriage being based only on improving social status and financial gain. Due to her conflicting views the other community often looked at Ms.Turner with contempt and secluded her from gatherings. Janie sees how the others in the community treat Ms.Turner for her varying views and does not wish to be outcasted. Which is the reason she often keeps to herself within her multiple marriages, afraid that the moment she speaks up she'll be outcasted as well with no one to