Their Eyes Were Watching God Speech Analysis

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In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston uses speech as a tool to show the progression of the story. Janie Crawford, the main character of the novel, finds her true identity and ability to control her voice through many hardships. When Janie’s grandmother dies she is married off, to be taken care of. In each marriage that follows, she learns what it is to be a woman with a will and a voice. Throughout the book, Janie finds herself struggling against intimidating men who attempt to victimize her into a powerless role. It is not confrontation that keeps Janie strong, but her retreat into silence that makes her strong. Through her hardships, Janie finds her true identity and the ability to control her voice. Janie uses speech as a vehicle for liberation through her marriages with Logan Killicks, Joe Starks, and Vergible Woods. …show more content…

She did not experience satisfaction or self fulfilment in the relationship, and their conversations were loveless and passionless. When Logan ordered Janie from chore to chore, she says nothing but, “Ah’ll cut de p’taters fuh yuh”(Hurston 17). This portrays how Janie has not yet released how she feels about being tied down into the marriage. The symbolism of the mule comes into play during Janie’s marriage with Logan. In American Folklore mules are silent creatures that bear the burden, yet they are still stubborn and unpredictable. Before Janie and Logan go to sleep one night, Janie finally releases her feelings about the relationship and says, “S’posin’ Ah wuz to run off and leave yuh sometime”(Hurston 30). Here, Janie bravely declared her liberation and took her first step away from Logan and towards a stronger