Theme: Ever Timeless

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Jurado, 2014064110
1PHIL2 May 15, 2015

Theme: Ever Timely, Ever Timeless

Perhaps the most important objection ever raised against philosophical thought is that it is irrelevant to daily life. Philosophy might not exist everyday for normal people because those people whose interest is just focused solely on their daily life. Because of that, there will be bias statement versus to those who simply wants to give meaning beyond what is easily perceived. They won’t be able to give deep significance or value on how life is versus on how life should really mean. It’s like having time of your life at the moment of drinking at a club, partying, socializing with new acquaintances and some old friends but at the same time, you will …show more content…

That when that individual was born and lived in an environment, wherein people around him shows “faith” on that divine existence, the individual willingly accept it as the truth.

Back when I was young, my mother used to bring us to church every Sunday. She introduced me who God is and what did his son, Jesus do to save the lives of many. There wasn’t a single question on my mind about his existence but I was certain about one single thought of childlike me might think. I was so curious and I remembered asking myself this- If there is really of God, then who made Him? And if He made the God who made our God, and then who made other God? I was like, “ Are there many Gods who made God a God?” It just cannot simply exist for me, But since I was a kiddo, I care less about this things and just observed the religion we were …show more content…

How the trees grow, why the sun shines in the east and set in the west, or was it the eggs came in first before the chickens? Clearly today, we can say that this is all pure science how about those times when science wasn’t discovered yet? Apparently, paganism spread across different civilizations. For them, all cannot be explained or is new to their perceptions are considered mystical because it is quite unordinary. India is one of good example of this. There’s a lot of divinity going on around them in things and even animals that they considered as God. Another example is during the time when hunters and gatherers were the economics systems formed. Like in the movie Apocalypto, the leader of the tribe waited for the “red sun” to turn before having to kill a slave. The reason why is because they considered the “red sun” their God and that they to offer a