Theme Of Brotherhood In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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Foretelling midpoint of the story is told in tales of vanquishing Huwawa with the help of Shamash who “raised thirteen storms against.” (Ferry,27) Returning in a lush state of attire, he attracts the goddess of Ishtar. Subsequently, his pride rejects the goddess, in return, the bull of heavens is sent to wreak havoc. Along with Enkidu, Gilgamesh once again prevails by smiting the bull and “offer the heart to Shamash.” (Ferry,34) Insulting the gods to a brothel and Gilgamesh’s reigning in being a schmuck ends when they decide to kill Enkidu. Afterwards, this is said and done, Gilgamesh becomes in a state of hopeless emotion. Since as one foretold his state of brotherhood would be just as bad in comparison to losing one of a beloved family member.