Theme Of Change In The Great Gatsby

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The metamorphosis of a character in a fictional work of literature is often accompanied with a violent cleansing. As characters become enlightened a terrifying process of change occurs within them. Fitzgerald makes no exception when creating Gatsby’s persona in The Great Gatsby. Gatsby who is portrayed as a fascinating and optimistic in the beginning of the novel transforms into a pitiful character in denial. Fitzgerald engenders a complex transformation for Gatsby and demonstrates violent cleansing by using the reoccurring themes of materialism and the past and the repetition of important symbols. Fitzgerald demonstrates Gatsby’s character change with the reoccurring theme of materialism which is fortified as the novel progresses. When Nick …show more content…

Gatsby’s purpose is to revive his dreams of the past in which he lead a life alongside Daisy. However, his goals of reliving the past are unrealistic and impossible since Daisy is a married woman. Gatsby’s attachment to his fantasy led him to make unwise decisions such as leaving the hotel with Daisy and letting Daisy drive. To Gatsby Daisy was perfection and was the driving force of his life. His attachment to the relationship he shared with her in the past led him to fall into uncertain business and rise in wealth. However, it was also his past that haunted him. Due to his unknown background Gatsby retained a mysterious and even negative background. As a result, Daisy would not choose to be with Gatsby because Gatsby was not the man who benefitted her and it would ruin her image to leave Tom for Gatsby. The moment Gatsby realizes that Daisy will not be with him, his dream dies. Without any dreams to aspire to achieve Gatsby’s purpose in life becomes nonexistent. All of his decisions and his attachment to the past undeniably influenced his