Theme Of Control In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Have you ever tried to take control, or watch someone else take control? Well how did it work out for you? Because in this play of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, the character in the story attempts to control someone, but fails as Egeus tries to control 2 lovers, by making his daughter marry Demetrius, but fails because love is indefinite. Oberon tries to control his wife so that he can control a little boy, he also tries to control a lover but something unpredictable happens, and fails because magic is only temporary. Shakespeare makes the case that it is not possible to control others, as he tries to use magic to control others, but magic is only temporary, and is unpredictable. In the poem, AMND Oberon attempts to use …show more content…

In the AMND play, Egeus attempts to control Hermia by making her marry Demetrius, but fails because she loves Lysander, and not Demetrius, so they run away as it states “May I marry thee; And to a place the sharp Athenian law cannot pursue us.” (1, 1, 163-165) Which shows that Lysander and Hermia love each other so much that they are gonna run away so that Egeus won’t be able to control them, since their love is indefinite. In the play of AMND, Demetrius loves Helena again, and Egeus gives up on trying to make Hermia marry Demetrius since he now loves Helena as the play states “As the remembrance of an idle gaud which in my childhood I did dote upon, and all the faith, the virtue of my heart, the object and the pleasure of mine eye, is only Helena. To her, my lord,” (4, 1, 174-178) which shows that Demetrius’s love to Helena is indefinite, and not to Hermia. This shows that you cannot force someone to love another, and that love is indefinite. To sum up this paragraph, love is indefinite and you cannot force someone to love another