Theme Of Courage In Literature

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The Tale of Knowing Your Licked Before You Begin but Beginning Anyway
Editorial by Suzan Sinjari

Literature is living a thousand lives and a literature fair is living a thousand more. In a literature fair, you see the work of others your exploring the inside of their mind not yours. The work of a period 2 and 4 grade 10 English class was used in a literature fair where it changed the way the students saw the themes in books in the view of their class mates. While exploring a literature, fair I saw the work of a student named Lyric Eden Davis. Her work was on courage. Courage is a huge theme in several English books. She used the theme in two pieces of text read in class To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee and Night by Ellie Wiesel.

While looking at her work I noticed there was a large portion of text on her slides although all the text was relevant and explained what courage was which she described as having strength in the face of pain or death. While explaining courage, she used a direct quote from a character named …show more content…

Whereas Atticus dealt with more issues that weren’t exactly physical they were focused on the negativity given to him by the white people of Maycomb.
Lyric also explained how the two pieces of text were similar which was how even through their struggles they were courageous. They didn’t give up even when they knew they already were defeated. They knew it was an impossible fight that’s the reason why they stood up and fought it even though like she said they had no chance of overcoming their problems. That’s how she explained the two pieces of text were similar same bravery just different