Theme Of Evil In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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Goodman Brown loses his faith in his humanity when evil prevails itself in many forms, leaving him to speculate the behavior and beliefs of everyone encircles around him. This story also contains similar Biblical characteristics of the sinful nature in man. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism to define that wickedness exist in all humanity and nothing is the way it seems. The story begins with Goodman Brown and his wife named Faith bartering a goodbye kiss. Coincidentally enough, not only does Goodman Brown struggle to hold on to his wife but his Christian faith as well while traveling the streets of a Salem village. The author mentions Faith’s pink ribbon in her cap throughout the story instilling her character with joy. Pink ribbons symbolize …show more content…

One traveler in particular is a manifestation of evil. The story describes the traveler “a great black snake, so curiously wrought that it might almost be seen to twist and wiggle itself like a living serpent” (Hawthorne 323). This stems from a Biblical representation that a serpent is a evil demon. As they travel through the streets of Salem they enter into a dark forest, which provides most of the setting for the story. Puritans, like Goodman Brown, associated the forest as a symbol of evil and sin that had been inhabited by witches and devils. Goodman Brown enters the forest knowing of such evil, he states in the story “what if the devil himself should be at my very elbow” (Hawthorne 322). Goodman Brown sees the minister and Deacon Gookin as well as many other townspeople making their way into the dark forest towards the ceremony. At this time, Nathaniel Hawthorne is displaying that many people of all ranks in religious and governmental society are sinners despite their external appearance. He holds on to the thoughts that as long as Faith remains holy, he shall find it in himself to resist the temptations of evil, but when he sees the pink ribbons from Faith’s cap his Christian faith is weakened. Hawthorne is using Goodman Brown’s wife, Faith, as a symbol of his own when he yells out “my faith is gone!” (Hawthorne …show more content…

Never the less, it left him unable to see the good in anything or anyone. He lived out his life with Faith in misery, suspicious of everyone he thought he once knew including his beloved wife. At the same time as Goodman Brown’s beliefs are stunned, Hawthorne aims for the reader to question their own way of thinking. Can we really trust the trustworthy and are good people actually as they appear to be, or do we all have some sort of concealed