Theme Of Happiness In Fahrenheit 451

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Throughout this book the theme distraction vs. happiness is one of the most important and relevant to this novel. The society in this novel is incredibly shallow, people thought that if you didn't watch T.V everyday, you were a social outcast. In this society people thought that id you were distracted, then you were happy. But everyone knows that is not the case, it doesn't make you happy. The only thing that being distracted makes you become is unhealthy. Unhealthy because it makes you tune out everyone out and it keeps you so engage in your own world that it's just hard. Mildred, Montag's wife, thought she was happy but in reality she was just really sad and we see that when she tries to commit suicide with the pills. During this scene we also see the way that people don't pay attention to what's around them, Montag didn't even see that his own wife was depressed and very unhappy. I believe that the cause that Mildred was so sad was because she would all her time watching T.V shows all day. Since this was a very messed up society, people thought that books were a bad thing but in reality books are a lot more important to one's life than dumb T.V shows. …show more content…

Clarisse Is asking Montag that, in my opinion, is very important throughout this novel since it made Montag start asking himself if he was happy. Later in part 1 after his encounter with Clarisse he realizes that he wasn't happy. During his talk with Clarisse, before she asks that, Clarisse tells Montag that she is a very social person because she likes to talk to people and actually have face to face

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