Theme Of Ideology In V For Vendetta

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Film is specifically made to be sold. Film is an art that is also a source of income. No matter the format, be it big budget or independent, film is a commercial product. According to Comolli and Narboni in their essay “Cinema/Ideology/Criticism”, film is “transformed into a commodity”. Film is “a product, manufactured within a given system”, is it the product of the ideologies that dominates where it was constructed. Ideologies are a basic foundation for filmmaking and without ideologies there would be no incentive to make films. Comolli and Narboni state film is “…a result of being a material product of the system, it is also an ideological product of the system.” V For Vendetta tells the story of Evey Hammond and her part in bringing down the fascist government that has taken control of a futuristic Great Britain with the help of the anarchist hero know as V. Evey and V’s world has been created because of this fascist regime and the only way that they can ever hope to change their norm is to rebel. Fascism vs. Anarchy are the main ideologies which are evident throughout the movie, but the main struggle lies deeper than that. What’s truly at the heart of this film is the importance of personal responsibility and identity, both on the part of the individual, and the part of the whole. Identity plays a major part with the main example V, wearing a mask, and keeping himself a mystery to the viewer. His reason for this is his horrible disfigurement. By wearing a mask, V