
Theme Of Innocence In Catcher In The Rye

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The Importance of Innocence The book “Catcher in the Rye” contains the intentions and deeds performed by Holden Caulfield to conserve the irreproachability of others in order to protect them from the turmoil/mayhem they witness daily. Likewise, just like the title shows, the prime theme of “Catcher in the Rye” is the conservation of innocence and purity of youngsters. The story about man who is trying to preserve all the innocence, but literally he is trying to save all the kids from falling off the cliff. One of the major theme of “Catcher in the Rye” is innocence, and this is expressed in the following motifs: snow, games/sports, and childhood. Snow is a symbol in which is used throughout the book in order to illustrate the theme of innocence. When holden was keeping the snow with him, it's like he’s trying to preserve his childhood/innocence. This …show more content…

After growing up we go through a lot of ups and downs, and sometimes we lose everything we have, then we think we can just get everything back however sometimes that is not the case. Sometimes we lose the people in our lives which is the hardest thing to get back, if we lose money we can always earn more however when it comes to people it is harder because putting someone's heart together after breaking it is harder than putting our life back together. Another case when we feel lonely is when someone very close to us dies, just like when Holden lost allie at a very young age. After losing our people that is when we start to feel lonely because after they felt now we are all alone and that is when our vulnerable side comes out. At that point we realise what we have lost and we know that we are all alone and that vulnerability possess innocence because that's when we lose all our ego and that's when the kid inside you comes out, the kid that just wants your

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