Theme Of Isolation In The Minister's Black Veil

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Nathaniel Hawthorne is often hailed as one of the core representatives of Dark Romanticism, which is the opposite to the other current in the American Renaissance, the Transcendentalists. He believed that individuals were full of darkness and hidden sin, subsequently convinced that true social reforms were nigh impossible. Such convictions were adroitly rendered in his short story “The Minister’s Black Veil” where he plainly tells the reader that since people are fearful of isolation, they are forced to don a mask to conceal their sins, or risk alienation due to society’s inability to cope with them. Resulting from those somber views, you can appreciate the subtle criticism of the town’s people (they embody humanity in general) present in the story. Folks immediately start gossiping, practically “…the whole village of Milford talked of little else than Parson Hooper's black veil. That, and the mystery concealed behind it.” Everyone and their grandmother talked about how poor Reverend …show more content…

Additionally, the tone given to the dialogue by the author makes it sound as if being alone is not something to be desired. In addition to everything, we know that the story declares humans unfit to know the truth, we cannot handle it. It’s not a matter of morals and tolerance, humanity is simply physically and/or spiritually unable to handle it. Reverend Hooper tells his Elizabeth that "'No mortal eye will see it withdrawn. This dismal shade must separate me from the world."' A mortal eye is referencing to Midgardians- humans. We can infer that if no human is meant to see us bare, without the veil, than there is only one being that can, that should and will see us in all our contemptible glory,