
Theme Of Regret In The Kite Runner

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Regret was a big part of the characters in Kite Runner lives. With regret comes the desire to redeem themselves and makeup for their mistakes. Pursuing redemption isn’t always an easy thing. You have to sometimes do things that you may not be accustomed to doing, admitting you were wrong. You could have done something, said something, or not said something to deceive someone. It could have been mentally or physically but either way you have hurt someone. Depending on the type of person you are this could either stay with you and put a burden your heart until you pursue redemption or you could move past this and forget it ever happened. Admitting you were wrong is the first step. Not only for you but for the person you hurt. You have to gain the trust and forgiveness of this person. Amir and Baba both did this. Some just took longer than other but in the end they all admitted their mistakes and accept the consequence. Both of these characters build up the courage to admit they were wrong and pursue redemption. Amir loved Hassan but he didn’t treat him with a whole lot of respect. He did a lot of things to hurt him and it was putting a significant amount of pressure on him and he needed to find a way to redeem himself in order to be at peace. Hassan was no longer around. He had died and still Amir had never made up for his wrong doings. This meant that Sohrad was orphaned and Amir couldn’t just let this child live in such horrible conditions. “Sohrab, I can’t give you
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