
Theme Of Reputation In Othello

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In Shakespeare's Othello, Cassio compares reputation to generosity but Iago uses his reputation to achieve his desire and thinks it is even ethical to do dishonorable work in order to protect it. The main antagonist, Iago uses his reputation to portray vicious activity. Over the years, Iago has earned a good name called “Honest Iago” (1.3.292).The name allows Iago to mask his real identity and manipulate his enemies. One of the victims of Iago’s manipulation is the lieutenant named, Cassio who destroys his own reputation and inadvertently paves the way for Iago’s promotion. In addition, Cassio equates reputation to his own humanity and when it is lost due to his drunk behavior he thinks, “ [he] has lost the immortal part of [himself] and
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