
Theme Of Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

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In the two texts, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, by Jonathan Edwards and “The Minister’s Black Veil” by Hawthorne, the two texts had a lot in common, both was trying to persuade sinners to get right with God before their time is too late. In the text “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God, Edwards was trying to get across the sinners’ mind that it is because of God’s hand holding back because they haven’t fell into the pit of hell.In constrast the text,“The Minister’s Black Veil”, the author came out and said what he wanted to say, more than the author of the text “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God”. The text “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, by Edwards the author was trying to get sinners to give their lives to God and stop doing what they’re doing. …show more content…

This quote is saying that it is because of God’s hand holding you back from falling in hell. The theme of this text is God will send you to hell if sinners don’t repent. The author uses fearsome, and frighten words to persuade the sinners to turn their lives around and start living for God. The author is trying to get the sinners to give their lives to God before it is too late and God would’ve taken his hands off of them, and they would’ve fell in hell. In the second text “The Minister’s Black Veil”, by Hawthorne the author was more cloudy with what he was trying to get the readers to think. The author uses a lot of symbolism to represent things as in contrast to the Edwards’ text. As an illustration, one thing that the author uses in the Minister’s Black Veil , was the black veil, the black veil represented a lot of things like darkness, evil, and wickedness. In the text the church’s pastor came out like a normal sunday but on this Sunday he had on a black

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