Theme Of Violence In The Crucible And Black Lives Matter Movement

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“Cops have shot nearly 807 people this year, and the year isn’t even over yet (Calacal).” The aspect of human nature creates sadness, mourning, anger, and violence. In Arthur Miller’s, “The Crucible” and in the “Black Lives Matter Movement” the people participating in the movement are performing violent acts to get people's attention to try and be heard. Just as Abigail in The Crucible, she is afraid the punishment for dancing in the woods will be extremely bad so she accuses many people of witchcraft leading to people being hung. It is human nature to do anything , even resulting in violence to have your voice heard.
In the article, “Despite Mixed Reactions, White Activists Feel They Have A Role In Black Lives Matter”, they say… “Crowd of …show more content…

In “Black Lives Matter”, by New York Times, they say…. “A similar backlash materialized in Cleveland after Mr. McGinty asked a grand jury not to indict the police officer who shot and killed 12- year-old Tamir Rice, who had a toy gun at the time. A 911 caller told an emergency operator that the fun was “probably fake” and that the boy was “probably a juvenile,” but that message failed to reach the officer. The officer shot the child within seconds of arriving on the scene, then stood by for several minutes without providing medical assistance. The episode reminded African- Americans yet again that they lived at mercy for a Police Department that had an utter disregard for black lives (Voters Tell D.As, Black Lives Matter).” Police are treating the blacks differently. They didn’t even attempt to see if the gun was real, all they did was shoot the kid and never gave him a chance to put it down or explain. When they did shoot the child they continued to not provide medical help to help him. This quote explains that police look right past black lives and that is why they are looking towards violence to have their voice heard. It ties into The Crucible when they treated Tituba differently because she was black, to them she was only a slave and had no worth. They blamed her for them dancing in the woods because it was the easiest way. In Conclusion, in The Crucible and in the “Black Lives Matter Movement” people will do anything to have their voice heard when people don’t