The Holocaust was a dark period of time between 1933-1945. The period in time was the cause of an attempt of redemption from Germany led by Adolf Hitler.
A survivor of these attacks, Elie Wiesel, made a story of how he lived through the holocaust.
The themes I found in the book “Night” are survival, dehumanization, and faith
The development of these themes helps readers understand the atrocities of the Holocaust and recognize why they must stand up to prevent something like this from happening in the future
One topic Wiesel addresses in Night is survival.
The theme he develops around this topic is people will do anything to survive including leaving their loved ones. This is seen on p. 52 when the Dentist was checking other people to see if they had gold teeth. Then he stole the teeth to help keep himself alive. The theme is further explored when Rabbi Eliahou’s son left him because he
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One other theme that Weisel develops is dehumanization of people
This is seen on p. 62. When they see the pipel “The entire camp, block after block, filed past the hanged boy stared at his extinguished eyes.” showing that something messed up now is normal to them. This is also seen on p. 52. When Elie said“All that mattered to me was my daily bowl of soup with my crust of stale bread, this was my life.” This shows how badly the Nazi’s treated them. Making them feel like nothing is worth it to them. These examples show that the dehumanization of people from the holocaust causes them to do crazy things.
One other topic Weisel talked about is Faith
The theme he develops is that even the most faithful people question God. This is seen on pages 67-68 when Elie questions God for letting bad things happen to people who believe in him. This theme is further explored on page 66 where Elie asks God where he is and why he would do this. These examples show how badly the Nazis treated them for them to disbelieve in their