Theodore Fulton Stevens Life And Accomplishments

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Theodore Fulton Stevens, born November 18, 1923 in Indianapolis, Indiana. He graduated high school in 1942, going to Oregon State University and studied engineering there. Not long after in 1943 until 1946, he left to join the Army Air Corps and fight in World War II. His achievements after his service lead to him receiving many medals for his hard work. He also attended Harvard Law School and the University of California after fighting in World War II. In 1947, Stevens received a bachelor’s degree in political science and later in 1950, graduating from Harvard Law School (“Ted Stevens Biography”). In 1978, Stevens had also survived a plane crash in Alaska, killing his first wife. Ted Stevens is considered one of the longest serving Republicans in history, as he has served in public services for over forty years. Not long after graduating from UCLA and Harvard, he practiced law in the Fairbanks, Alaska becoming a federal prosecutor. After this, he moved to Washington DC in order to work under the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower (“Home of Heroes” Ted Stevens). In 1964, he then moved back to Alaska and opened up his own law firm in Anchorage. and was elected in the Alaska House of Representatives, and later became …show more content…

In 1980, he attempted to stop the Alaskan Land Acts but was unable to. Stevens also was unable to receive approval of oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (National Journal “Former Senator Ted Stevens”). Through his failures, he also had his successes, such as during the Native Claims Act in 1971, getting the oil pipeline through by just one vote. He is known for his temper, however he was able to get along with just about anyone as long as they were respectful of his opinions. Stevens had once said “I did not lose my temper, I know exactly where it is” and “I’m a mean and miserable S.O.B.” (Clymer “Ted

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