Theology 104 Reflection

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David Evans Theology 104 Reflection Paper 1 Within this paper I will be reflective over the first four weeks of Theology 104. This class has addressed many topics that have inclined me a better understanding about Christianity. I have grown spiritually through the teachings in this class and feel closer to Christ in my journey with Him and I have become more confident in my mission in life. I will address two topics that I found to be the most interesting; in which are the fall of man, creation in the image of God. The fall of Man: The fall of man began in the Garden of Eden in which God commanded them to not eat the fruit from the forbidden tree of knowledge. Adam and Eve were not all knowing only God is all knowing and Satan used this to …show more content…

None of us are the exact same. And out of all of God’s creation we are the most unique of all. We are created in the image of God. First and foremost, the image of God is not synonymous with man's immaterial nature. Animals, angels, and man (as forms of life) share certain immaterial characteristics, yet only man is fashioned in God's image. Only man (humans) is created in the image of God. According to the Genesis account of the image of God, it is restricted to the immaterial nature of man. The image of God was lost as a result of the fall of man and regained in redemption. We must remember the four primary aspects in which are included in the image of God, in which are: the image of God includes a rational aspect, though not limited to rationality. The image of God in man includes a moral aspect, though not exclusively. The unperfected image of God within Adam also endowed him with the ability to properly discern between right and wrong. The ability to discern moral judgments is distinctly given to man. The image of God has a spiritual aspect, though not exclusively. Inherent with the spiritual aspect are two separate issues: knowledge of right and wrong and without the disposition for evil, (Excerpt, “Creation in the image of God"). And as Christians we must maintain the image of God by means of preaching His word and ultimately carrying out His

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