Bourdieu Concept Of Fashion

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In this essay I will be analysing Bourdieu concepts of field, habitus, social capital, and cultural capital and apply it to three different sources. In order to form part of certain societies one has to achieve a certain status that is describe in this essay which looks at fashion and how Bourdieu ‘s theoretical concepts can be applied to either the London Fashion Week , the secret life of Haute Couture and I’Khothane. I will also be looking at how these things can be combined into each other, how they relate to each other and what are their differences. According to Bourdieu society is like fields. Bourdieu defines habitus as “A structuring structure, which organises practices and the perception of practices.”(Bourdieu, P. 1984: 170).It is …show more content…

The secret club of couture is a club that has events for example fashion week and if you are not a member you will not know what is going on. The club members describe couture as a virus because once you own couture it is like an addiction. Haute couture in French is "high dressmaking” which is fashion that is made for a specific customer and it is often time consuming, has special stitching done and expensive materials is used. Elite can be described as group that is superior to the rest of the society which most members of couture form part of. In order to be part of the “secret club” there are specific standards that you have to achieve. For example social and cultural capital plays a big role in order for people to join the club of Haute Couture. There are strict rules that were set up by Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture, to be called haute couture, a designer must have customers who they make garments for, they must have 15 employees working fulltime in Paris and twice a year designers have to present collections that they have designed at the shows that are held. There are very few women as little as 200 in the world that can afford haute couture garments .Cultural capital is basically your background, the money you have and according documentary all these woman have money. Many of these …show more content…

You need social and cultural capital to join. It takes a certain position on the field for you to actually be noticed at one of these events. To conclude Bourdieu concepts is used throughout this essay to analyse whether it be London Fashion Week, the Secret Life of Haute Couture or the I’Khothane. One could compare the LFW to the secret life of Haute couture because you have to have social capital to join, you have to know the history of both fields for you to understand it. These different societies can be compared because in a certain way they are the