Mark Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model

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Theoretical Paradigm Relational Maintenance Theory Knapp’s relationship theory describes how relationships develop and last and also how they end. This theory is classified into ten different stages which come under two reciprocal stages; are Knapp’s relationship escalation model and Knapp’s relationship termination model. This explains how a relationship progresses and deteriorates. Varied altered time between each stage can be seen and experienced when a relationship grows or develops. The stages can be even skipped out while the progression or deterioration of a relationship. Mark Knapp (1978) created this stage model on the basic principles of the Social Penetration Theory. Knapp took the basic ideas of breadth and depth and created stages …show more content…

It is important for romantic as well as platonic or same-gender relationships. The model also helps couples or partners understand why there are discrepancies and variations in what each partner is wanting from the relationship. When a person wants to move up a stage in his or her relationship, it probably means that he or she wants to increase or level up positive feelings derived from being with the other person. When one partner wants to move down a stage, it usually means he or she wants to decrease or level down certain negative feelings that come from being involved with the other. The model explaining the relationship progression or advancement has two common phases of development and deterioration (Perlman & Fehr, 1987). Taken together, Knapp’s stages represent the most complete possible progression or advancement of a relationship. Relational Maintenance theory outlined relationship development as a ten step process, broken into two phases. The model consists of ten stages, five that describe “Coming Together” and five describe as “Coming Apart”. According to the Knapp 's model, all of the steps must be done one-at-a-time and in order to make sure they are …show more content…

There are also five stages in coming apart. I. Differentiating – When people develops in a relationship they sometimes end to other external pressures, they will start thinking individually rather than with the partner. They may start developing hobbies or aiming other things. The relationship will start to fade and the deep bond will be broken. The feeling of dislike is often deliberate by the partners on their commitment (Perlman & Fehr, 1987). II. Circumscribing – After differentiating, partners will limit their conversations or interaction and will set up barriers in their communication. They will have their own personal space or boundaries and activities (Perlman & Fehr, 1987). III. Stagnation – The relationship will decline or drop down even more if it reaches the stagnation stage. The communication will be more limited. The only reason the partners don’t separate is due to unavoidable reasons like having children. The relationships in this step will not continue or improve (Perlman & Fehr,