Theory And Practice Essay

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A lot of people have very different opinions and views on how theory and practice correspond with each other. Many scholars in various fields believe that theory is the absolute root of practice, while others view that theory is not as important for contemporary practice in social work, social science and education fields of study. I have learned during this semester the importance and contrast of both theory and practice, which has provided me with useful thoughts and tactics for teaching methods in the future, based on these components. The stance I am taking in this paper is that I agree with D. I don’t think theory is that valuable in relation to practice and that I think it is mostly just ivory tower. Theory evolves from one person’s experience, and they produce a theory to try to think that other people can relate to it in educational …show more content…

Therefore, it is important to make yourself the best possible candidate for a job, which means boosting your credentials, and making yourself stand out amongst many people competing for the same job. Some people think that they will be the most qualified if they have their master’s degree. While it is prestigious and outstanding for a candidate to possess a master’s degree, to me, what’s the point if that person does not have experience in the work force along with that master’s degree, with a real world, hands on experience of the subject they are becoming a “master” in? They might have the theory, and educational background, as well as all the knowledge to think that they can perform the job the best, but without substantial hands on work experience along with that higher level degree, and the practice component, they should not be considered as much as someone with practice, even if that person does not have a master’s

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