Therapy Dogs: How Police Dogs Can Impact People

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You may see a dog and think “what a cute dog” but these dogs could be much more than cute. They are actually very helpful to lots of people around the world in different ways. Dogs can impact people in many areas such as police dogs, therapy dogs, and help with people who have disabilities. Police dogs are very helpful to police in different ways. They have many different jobs like discovering drugs and explosives, finding and rescue people, locate evidence, sniff out bombs, etc. But for each jobs there are different training for the police dogs and policeman to do together. They want them to have a good bond because otherwise they will not be a efficient team. Plus both of the K-9 officer and the K-9 itself receive specialized law enforcement in the detection of narcotics, electronic devices, explosives, and corpses. Police dogs have come a long way from 1899 to now, helping police departments. Overall police dogs help policeman in many different ways for a long period of time. …show more content…

You may wonder “ why are they needed.” We need them because they help people with mental diseases that interfere with their daily lives. Therapy dogs were trained to provide comfort and support as well as perform task. Therapy dogs also can help a child learn, focus on school work, or may even teach them. Having a therapy dogs may also help a patient stay healthy and keep them ion track by making them walk around.Good therapy dogs must be tempered, patient, confident, gentle, and ease in all situations. If you ever need or find a good therapy it will make a big impact on your life. As you can see therapy dogs are very important in helping people with their daily

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