There Are Some Sins Better Than Others In The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Are some sins better or worse than others? The story of The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne leads the reader to believe that intentions determine the severity of sin. Presented sinners in the tale are Hester Prynne, Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth. These three people commit sins including dishonesty, adultery, and murder. So which one of these is the worst sinner? The case can be made for one as more sinful than the others or that they are all sinners and that all sin is wrong. Of these sinners, Roger Chillingworth is the worst sinner of them all. He feels no remorse for any of his actions. His driving force is revenge, and he murders Reverend Dimmesdale.
Roger Chillingworth is the worst sinner of them all, because he never felt regret for the things he did throughout the story. Chillingworth’s sins were aimed to bring pain and suffering to others. He never believed that anything he did was wrong. Roger gains much pleasure from the pain he causes to Dimmesdale. “Chillingworth looks at Dimmesdale's chest and does a devilish dance at the sight.” …show more content…

He did everything he knew to do, and he was a very smart man. He befriended Dimmesdale under the pretense of wanting to “help”. He learned all he could about Dimmesdale and concluded he was the man that his wife had been with. As a result of this conclusion, he used the knowledge he gained from the Native Americans to get revenge on Dimmesdale. Dimmesdale had hurt him emotionally and he was going to hurt Dimmesdale