There Will Come Soft Rain Analysis

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Technology’s Impact on Society Many people of this generation believe that technology has hindered the development of human capabilities and common knowledge. In the 1950’s, atomic bombs were tested underwater, causing major destruction to Hiroshima, Japan, and creating chaos in many areas. Ray Bradbury was famous for accomplishing his dream of being an author, and writing many stories that captured the attention of the public. Author Ray Bradbury’s story, “There Will Come Soft Rain” describes a house controlled by technology during the time of an atomic bomb explosion, and how technology that was meant to help the users, may actually harm the users. I believe technology has harmed society in response to the question, “Has technology improved …show more content…

Somewhere, sighing, a pump shrugged to a stop. The quenching rain ceased. The reserve water supply which had filled baths and washed dishes for many quiet days was gone” (47). In other words, the water supply of the house had diminished and could no longer be of use to the residents. This can be proven to demonstrate the damaging effects of technology because the house had not had enough water to put out the fire, leading to the essential destruction of the house. According to the story “There Will Come Soft Rains” by Ray Bradbury, “Ten more voices died. In the last instant under the fire avalanche, other choruses, oblivious, could be heard announcing the time, playing music, cutting the lawn by remote-control mower, or setting an umbrella frantically out and in the slamming and opening front door [...]” (57). This means that the house frantically attempted to repair the damage done and everything in it was in complete commotion. This displays how electronics can be of little to no benefit to our generation because it may overheat or harm the user and fail at …show more content…

However, some people in society can agree that technology has revolutionized the growth of knowledge and intelligence for people of all ages. For example, in “How Technology Has Helped Or Bettered Our Society?” by MoWeble it states, “From waking up in the morning to preparing breakfast and dinner, we almost depend on technology” (1). In other words, humans rely on technology all hours of the day. Still, technology is harmful because humans are now losing basic knowledge on how to complete simple tasks that technology does for us. According to the article, “How Technology Has Helped Or Bettered Our Society?” by MoWeble, “The technology is shrinking the world and giving access to almost everything to everyone.” (2). This means that information is easily accessible to just about anyone. Yet, technology is harmful because it has become increasingly easier for people to get their hands on personal information, causing events such as credit card fraud and social media hacks, which can embarrass the user and destroy their reputation. Therefore, those who believe that technology has been beneficial to the public may be

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