Thermodynamic Analysis

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The sin of Adam and Eve devastated mankind and sent destruction to all of Creation. Ultimately, only through God’s grace could humanity ever reconcile the damage done by the first of the human race (Eph. 2:8-9 [NASB]). However, in this understanding of the Fall the emphasis has often been focused on spiritual aspects. There were other substantial physical damages. The original physical world transformed dramatically and those changes concern every person, every moment, of every day. An obvious observation is found in the study of thermodynamics. By evaluating some of the initial elements seen in Genesis 1-3, the laws of thermodynamics show how the Fall altered the way energy flow in the universe.
Taylor B. Jones provides a study on how …show more content…

Jones states that the Fall brought with it a “controlled chaos.” 198 Mankind was now bound to the corruption and the earth took an “adversarial posture.” (199). Work was no longer casual effort and an increased destructive entropic universe would complicate every aspect of life. This randomness is call dissipative entropy. Jones goes on to explain that the final most destructive element introduced was death.(201) The author concludes with several changes that impacted the everyday basics of all humanity by comparing the original nature of eating, work, and waste in the Garden to the resultant actions found in the world today. (203-204)While certain aspects of human physiology existed in the Garden, the author argues that those human characteristics were either not enacted or needed until after the Fall.
In conclusion Jones reveals features of the Fall that can be viewed through the lens of science. The study of thermodynamics gives a glimpse of how sin entering the world has impacted every aspect of creation. Jones shows that in this fallen world, on the return of Christ and restore creation to its former splendor it was originally designed to