Thesis For Nightjohn By Gary Paulsen

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NightJohn Simply, regret is a traumatizing emotion for people to have. Many African Americans were a very common target to become slaves and servants to mostly all white men due to the color of their skin. The cause of slavery, the abominable wrong doing on America’s behalf tore apart the equality of men. Although Gary Paulsen’s novel, NightJohn, is considered historical fiction, the descriptions of supporting to one another, brutal punishments, and harsh restrictions can be corroborated with multiple sources. Even though many people were struggling with being enslaved, they still found a way to support each other even when in pain. John was supporting Sarny when he was teaching her how to learn. “Make it slow, make the sound each time. …show more content…

In NightJohn, when people didn’t listen or broke the rules, they would get whipped, hung up with chains, or even starved close to death, etc. “He hit her with his fist, then he unhooked her from the chains and ripped her clothes from off her body and dragged her naked to the harness”. Waller doesn’t like when people disobey or lie to him, and Mammy lied to Waller,so he was giving her a horrible and brutal punishment. “ But sometimes he like to take the whip and this time he whipped her until her back was all ripped and bleeding”. Waller likes to please himself by putting people through rough and hard pain to teach them a lesson of how not to disrespect him. People were in so much pain because of Waller and it was hard on others because everyone had to always watch whenever someone was going to get beaten or …show more content…

In NightJohn, Alice, she slept of the other half of the quarters but they were restricted not to. Also this couple kept meeting up when they were not allowed to leave or have relationships. “She wandered off in the yard and sometimes even went to the white house. Except for the house servents and gardening we weren’t allowed to the white house...”. Slaves could not go and sneak off places or go to restricted areas or else they would have gotten whipped. NightJohn also states “Pawley, he made it back before wake-up time every night but one, the last time. He fell asleep in his girl’s arms, fell asleep in the moonlight”. People couldn’t go out to many places or else they would have gotten in trouble, or worse… beaten. People were restricted to date others because they had thought it wasn’t right or it was against the law. People had trouble being free or being able to have fun because many things were restricted from being done by