Thesis For The Ghost Map

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The “The Ghost Map” is a book written by Steven Johnson. In the book, the author explains to us why urban planning is necessary to prevent deadly diseases, such as the deadly cholera outbreak. In 1854, Cholera seized London with incredible force. A capital of more than 2 million people, London had just become as a one of the first modern cities in the society. But lacking the foundation necessary to sustain its dense population - garbage extraction, clean water sources, sewer systems - the city has grown to be the ideal breeding ground for a terrifying epidemic no one understands how to cure. As their next-door-neighbors begin dying, two men are driven to action: Reverend Henry Whitehead, whose faith in a benevolent God is great, and Dr. John Snow, whose beliefs about contagion have been rejected by the scientific community, but who is convinced that he knows how the disease is had spread. “The Ghost Map” records the …show more content…

In a success of multidisciplinary thinking, Steven Johnson observes the plague from the microbial level to the human level to the urban level. Cleverly clarifying past histories of the spread of disease, the rise of cities, and the nature of scientific inquiry, the writer, Steven Johnson shows an explanation of how it has molded the world we live in. Eventhough, this reseach has been recorded in the past; Steven Johnson has made these historic chronicals colorful, compleling and accessible to everyday people. Now todays civilization can see that urban ling isn’t as simple as it may seem. It requires alot of engineering to provide it’s citizens with a healthy life. I was very impressed with the way Dr. Snow did his research and his dedications and persistance in proving why London’s neighborhoods were in danger. I agree with Johnson’s thought that Dr. Snow discovery is victory of