Thesis Statement About Poaching

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I decided to talk about hunting for many reasons, I am a passionate hunter and Outdoor enthusiast with these experiences I have developed a stronger respect for mother earth and all her children, I am also studying to be a zoologist/wildlife biologist to become a game warden or do in field studies on these magnificent creatures. I fell I am unbiased on this topic for mom is a conservationist, and my dad is an avid hunter. By having one person in my life that’s against killing of all animal’s and having one that’s for some killing of animals in the legal way; I see both sides and will only state the facts. Although there are many reasons that wildlife today are dying off at a fast rate due to deforestation, loss of habitat, overhunting/fishing, spread of invasive species, but most importantly poaching. …show more content…

While poaching is a very bad problem around the world in this article we will be mainly focusing on southeast Asia region.

My First premise that supports my thesis is hunting is conservation, the white tail deer population used to be only 500,000 and now to regulations and hunters they are booming at 32 million. Elk used to be on the endangered species list but now they are at 1 million, and Wild hogs wreak havoc on farm lands destroying the nations crops and food for vegan “people”; with hunting hogs are keeping them down and have also opened a new source of