Thesis Statement For College

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Feedback is the best form of communication a student can receive. It is no secret that feedback in Composition courses improves people’s confidence while they gain unbiased opinions about their writing. There have been many opportunities to earn feedback from different resources such as the writing center, other people in their course, and a professor. Sometimes people may agree or disagree with people’s feelings toward their writing, but how a person uses feedback allows them to improve as a writer. In this essay, students will discuss their feelings toward the critiques they have received from the writing center, peers, and their professor to guide them toward the final revisions of their research paper which will improve their writing capabilities …show more content…

Moreover, the writing center discussed how my thesis statement and topic sentences could be more specific. A strong thesis statement is formatted in a certain way because it establishes the paper’s purpose. Without a strong thesis statement, the essay would not provide any context for the reader. I am working toward a solid thesis statement. For instance, my original thesis stated that the true crime genre’s creators manipulate the audience by playing on people’s emotions, creating unrealistic storylines, and casting attractive people to play serial killers to create success. The writing center asked me to define success. I realized certain words have different meanings; the meaning of success will be interpreted differently by every reader. The writing center suggested adding examples to strengthen and expand the points of my essay. For example, in a paragraph explaining how unrealistic portrayals of crime affect people’s perceptions of crime, I state that true crime entertainment impacts things in life, but I did not specify what true crime media directly affects. In my revisions, I am building to define words to explain details that will …show more content…

All of the suggested topics are crucial in an essay. Furthermore, transitions are an integral part of an essay because they carry the thoughts from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph. Additionally, having supportive evidence that flows together while making sense is vital to form a coherent essay. Some peers provided helpful feedback to incorporate into my final research draft, while others did not. The suggestions about my transitions were accurate; my paragraphs needed more flow. In my introduction paragraph, the hook was strong, but as the reader continues reading, there is no transition to the thesis statement. My introduction explains true crime media is everywhere in the world. If a person turns on the television, scans through Spotify’s most-listened podcasts, or skims through a bookstore, it is apparent that crime is the most popular topic. Next, the introduction briefly explains in one sentence how true crime genre creators produce popular media by blurring the lines between fiction and reality. Then, the following sentence jumps to not the statement that not all true crime is made with the intent to be desirable, but creators will manipulate the audience in various ways to create success in drawing in an audience. My peers gained a vague idea of my essay’s purpose because of my thesis statement. Even with a well-written thesis statement, if there are no transitions in