Thesis Statements For Research Paper

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Prayer is a way through which a believer talks to his God. It can be in form of praising God, worshipping God or thanking Him for what He has done to us. Therefore, prayer is very important in the life of believers. This is because it has power to reveal secretes, open and close, then to believers out of trouble. Prayer is power to revealer secret things The scripture that I have chosen to prove the above statement is in (Daniel 2:17-19).NKJV It reads as follows: Then Daniel went to his house, and made the decision known to Ananias, Michael, and Azariah, his companion, that they might seek mercies from the God of heaven concerning this secret, so that Daniel and his companions might not perish with the rest of wise men of Babylon. Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night …show more content…

Daniel was with three friends from Israel who were committed to God Daniel after hearing from the king he made decision to seek mercies from God of heaven, so that they might not perish with Babylonians wise men. God revealed a vision to Daniel in secret. Interpretation Daniel asked the friends to consult God for answers, Daniel with the friends ask for mercy so. Daniel asked God Interview in the situation Daniel asked for wisdom and understanding of how and what to tell the king .Also he wanted God of Israel to be known as the one who reveals secret things. Daniel didn’t ask for the revelation from any other person except God. Application In our prayers we shouldn’t panic. But wait for the answers from the lord as Daniel did. We have to prayer with faith and wait upon the Lord’s answer because Daniel hand trust in God, he saved three friend and even the wise men of Babylon. As Christians when we face With challenges, we should consult our friends who can stand with us in prayers. And believe for God’s power and God has the answers our prayers, so we should not forget to appreciate

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