They Have Doomed Mistress Prynne Discrimination Quotes

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Man’s Domination
Rich and Hawthorne come from two different backgrounds but they share similar sufferings, through their beliefs of feminism. Rich, the writer, had stated in her essay that men use their power to dominate, tyrannize, control, as well as reject women. Dimmesdale is a perfect example of someone who dominates a woman, like when he is dominating Hester. Dimmesdale doesn't have enough penitence for what he had done to Hester, therefore she has been unconsciously controlled by taking all the blame from the public.
Rich begins depicting a man’s fascination to women who become victims of a man’s power. The writer lays out this feeling a woman can express towards a man as Rich explains in her essay, “It strikes me that in the work of …show more content…

This has to do with man’s power dominating women because in the book the governors gave Hester a harsh punishment that she would have to deal with for the rest of her life. For example a quote from the text, “They have doomed Mistress Prynne to stand only a space of three hours on the platform of the pillory, and then and thereafter, for the remainder of her natural life, to wear a mark of shame upon her bosom,” (55) is stating the punishment Hester received for committing adultery. The following is an example from Rich’s essay, “The female poet, who tended to write of love as the source of her suffering, and to view that victimization by love as an almost inevitable fate, ” is describing how she was a victim by love, meaning that she was a victim of the people because they were talking gossip about how she deserves more harsh punishments. This is lead by man’s power , in this case the governors, because they are the ones who locked her up and gave her the punishment to stand on the platform for three hours in the public's eye. Therefore is why man’s power dominated Hester’s life, by making her a victim of man’s fascination and terror as well as by