
Thief By Shirley Jackson

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Mountains were ripped from the ground and flew hundreds of thousands of miles towards our city. We didn't know what to do, or how to stop it. People were not warned. The Government had been silent since “The Summa.” Summa is a Latin word for “Culmination”, or end. We were betrayed by one of our own friends. We all stared as the gigantic mountains soared, destroying the city. We knew we couldn't do anything. Nobody could stop them. Nobody could save us. --------- Jackson was a high school student that didn't get talked to very often. It was mostly because of what had happened 12 months ago. He was accused of theft. A man had given him a necklace and told him to keep it safe. It had a special gemstone looking item in the locket attached to the chain. One day, it was shown as missing on TV. It was a necklace an opal that glowed purple. …show more content…

Nobody had known what the girl had been yelling about until they saw the news story pulled up on her phone. When a boy tried to grab it, it cracked, and lightning started coming out and seemed to be going into Jackson’s chest. After that, the school’s power shut off. The police arrived fifteen hours later and took Jackson into custody. In his court case, they convicted him of theft and sent him to prison for 11 and a half months. When he got out, everything was strange. Every time he touched a light switch, or any switch in general, there would be an electric shock with the lights. They would then continue to fall off of the ceiling and often explode with sparks and

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