
Things Fall Apart Research Paper

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“The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. Now he has won our brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart” (Achebe 152). In Chinua Achebe’s famous novel, Things Fall Apart, he reveals the big issue of colonialism. The Europeans came to Africa in the Great Scramble. Which is where they came to take the land and property of the African villages/areas. By doing so the people and the cultural soul was destroyed. Colonialism still happens today as it did in the past in Things Fall Apart ,American causing war in Iraq, and India throughout time.
Colonialism means the organized domination by one nation of an external or different geographical unit, nation, culture, race, or people. In Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo is a man who is afraid of failure because his father, Unoka was a lazy drunk. His fear was also his fatal flaw. When the white men came into Africa, They rode on bicycles and a whole village was destroyed. There were …show more content…

However, colonialism has occurred almost everywhere in the world. In the eighteenth century, the British took power over India. “Throughout the early decades of the twentieth century, the call for Indian independence from Great Britain grew stronger”(India 1). The british repealed calling their soldier who ended up killing around one thousand people. Men like Mahatma Gandhi, peacefully rebelled against Great Britain because of all the torture and destorance of India. India is still greatly suffering today. Indian workers only make an average of $1000 per year. Surprisingly, the average annual wage in America is around $30,000. The government and economy is still continuing to worsening over time. Meaning that Colonialism has created still a huge problem in many

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