Thomas Aquinas Vs Iban Rushd

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Thomas Aquinas and Iban Rushd talked about the idea of reason and faith. Both men in many ways had different arguments. However they did share some of the same viewpoints. In the short essay I will compare and contract both Iban Rushd and Thomas Aquinas about the two ideas they spoke about in the text. Ibn Rushd stated we must look at others before we know the nature of things but Thomas has a different view as saw through sensible things we can gain acknowledge. Rushd raises the idea that one’s knowledge can go passed the Quran by using logical reasoning. However, Thomas states because of the first principle one cannot have knowledge beyond what they know about Allah, which means God in the Quran. He stated revelation is the key …show more content…

Rushd believed that for a person to read and understand the allegory reading in the Quran. Rushd argues demonstrative reasoning cannot tangle with the principles of religion. The defacto is when demonstrative reasoning comes in contact with principle of religion then the people who are good interpreters must interpret the text in an allegorical way, as long as it adheres with the demonstrative truth. The person should likewise use logical thinking if the true biblical facts are not written in the Quran. Rushd indicated, when the true biblical facts are not in the Quran, the person needed to rely on their allegorical thinking …show more content…

He states “In this faith there are truths preached that surpass every human intellect; the pleasures of the flesh are curbed; it is taught that the things of the world should be spurned. No, for the minds of the mortal men to assent to these things is the greatest of miracles, just as it manifest work of divine inspiration that, spurning visible things, men should seek only what is invisible”(Aquinas 93). The meaning of the quote states, that there is a faith walk that develops once the truths is preached to a person, and is accepted by that person. The truth surpasses all understanding, and must be accepted by faith. A person should refrain from the pleasures that satisfied them, and they should reject the things of the world. It is a miracle when the mortal man refrains from the pleasures that satisfied them. The action of the mortal man refraining from his pleasures, is the work of divine inspiration and the rejection of visible things, only seeking what is invisible to

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