
Thomas Edison Research Paper

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“Turn on the lights! I’m looking for her!” as the musician Future would say, but with the famous, well known legend Thomas Edison, would he have been able to say such a catchy phrase within his song? Let’s not forget one of his most magnificent inventions of all time, the light bulb. Not only did he construct the light bulb, but also other items such as the movie camera and mimeograph. Edison came into this world to create and innovate new and old ideas that have been put out upon our society, as well as his own. He’s very well known for his establishments inside his laboratory and his ability to inspire others to conquer their dreams of becoming an inventor. In Milan of Ohio, Thomas Edison was the last reproduced offspring of Samuel Ogden …show more content…

He became a very busy man as he became more and more involved with current and new inventions which eventually accumulated into time that he sacrificed from spending with his family. Mary Stilwell spent most of her time raising their three children alone which were Marion, Thomas Jr., and William. Unfortunately, she died in 1884 at the age of twenty-nine. This was a very Thomas as it was hard for him to focus on his studies when he lost his significant other. Although, after a while he had met another young woman in 1885, nineteen-year old Mina Miller. Thomas and Mina had three children Madeline, Charles and Theodore. A year later in 1886 Edison had opened another research laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey because the workplace in Menlo Park had outgrown. This laboratory is where he developed the world’s first motion picture machine, the movie camera. Edison’s final years of inventing consisted of working on defensive weapons to help troops in World War I and helping Henry Ford generate a battery for the self-starter on his Model T in 1912. By the late 1920s he started to spend the majority of his time with his family and second wife, Mina in Fort Myers, Florida. Edison was in his 80s and he began to slow down on inventing. Sadly, at the age of 84 in 1931 on October 18, Thomas Elva Edison passed away from complications of diabetes. America couldn’t believe the greatest inventor of all time had lost his life after all the great things he had done for the

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