Thomas Hobbes And Carl Agamben: The Nature Of Nationalism

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Marxist view of the state as superstructure and doesn 't see power as confused. Rather state sovereignty directly operates on life, reshape it according to state perspective. According to Agamben,all the different kind of state sovereignty can be defined through the sovereignty . In writing State of exception, his main aim of the discussion is in between ancient states such as the roman empire, history of the monarchic and democratic system and observation of the current time. Agamben states that sovereignty exists in all states through time and it is a cumulative process, something sense to get worse. The existence of sovereignty is something which Agamben seeks to demonstrate in his writings. It can be understood through the history of forms of sovereignty and of legal concepts, and also through pro-state theorists such as Thomas Hobbes and Carl Schmitt. Agamben is thus arguing that the nature of state sovereignty can be deduced from the way that statists think, which in turn can be inferred from their writings. In this sense, despite his return to ontology, Agamben is not a world away from poststructuralists and other discourse analysts. Agamben defines sovereignty mainly in terms of the exception. Sovereignty is constitutive of the state and of politics because it constitutes the political body by deciding who is to be incorporated into it. This decision is based on a fundamental exclusion of what is to remain outside. Sovereignty is more significance to the state