Thomas Hobbes: Are People Naturally Good Or Evil?

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Are humans naturally good or evil? This question alone has brought up numerous debates between philosophers and scientists all around the globe. It’s a question that many would think would have a simple answer to, yet, is constantly refuted. Human nature leaves us to ponder this simple question because of the complexity in which individuals act. It would be great if everyone could come to agree that humans are all good, however, that is not the case. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were two great intellectuals during the age of Enlightenment, with strongly opposing viewpoints. One of those opinions being that people are inherently good, with morals and the ability to reason, as stated by Locke. The other declaring that humans are naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish. These two opinions have impacted many people, thus affecting our own government. However, the one that reigns the closest to the truth is Thomas Hobbes. Humans are simply born selfish without the knowledge between right and wrong. From birth, babies cannot distinguish what is right or wrong. The same goes for toddlers, although their actions are caught early enough as to what they should or shouldn’t do. Parents have to teach their children between right or wrong in fear of them hurting themselves or others. If they aren’t taught what is right, they will …show more content…

We are born that way and are only taught how to be good as we grow. Our behaviors are constantly put into check by others, and if they weren’t, it would be a chaotic world. Humans would show more animalistic behaviors as they would need to survive be it killing, stealing, or just downright greedy. The human race is ultimately cruel, but is phased out with the sense of judgement as time progresses. Though it could be argued that Hobbes lacked in human psychology, his opinion of human nature and government left a great impression on others and the