Thomas Hobbes Research Paper

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Abstract During 17th century many political thinkers who have worked backed then have laid the foundation for the modern natural and political science. Among many names the name of English philosopher Thomas Hobbes who is the supporter of absolutism of state power is distinguished. His devotion to science and philosophy has allowed him to achieve significant results in the field of philosophy, which makes his works and writings very important and interesting up to this day. His numerous works are not completely exhausted and out of date and they are still in demand, both in theory and practical terms. According to Hobbes the State is the highest possible power and it “can do away with all that he pleases”. The State – is a great and mighty power, a kind of “Mortal God” reigns supreme over people and towering above them. Naturally, creating his philosophy, Hobbes did not assume that the components of his theory will have a big socio-political impact on our society and for instance will be used for the purpose of US global domination. It is quite obvious that the ideologists of absolutism in the US, deriving their knowledge, including the doctrine of Hobbes, distribute power and interest “of American sovereign” in many regions of the world. Such rights are …show more content…

Its spokesmen believe that the state has such dignity, if reliably protects (with whatever means) order - order them pleasing relations in society. But such fundamental questions as: Does becoming self-sufficient in this state by force, alien to society and to confront it, whether it is under the control of the society and responsibly whether before it is built and operates the State on democratic and legal principles - the supporters of political absolutism either ignored or deemed unimportant and relegated somewhere in the