Thomas Jefferson Thoughts On American Democracy Today Summary

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Thoughts on American Democracy Today
(A Discussion of Thomas Jefferson’s Thoughts on American Democracy Today)

A lot of things have changed since Thomas Jefferson. Many of those being he would agree on and some he would not. An example being the American democracy today, it is much different from when he was in office. Thomas J. Baldino states about the American democracy today, “For Americans to engage in reflective democracy, thinking deeply about our values, and how we might better live by them.”(Baldino). He would not approve of immigration, the fact that we are such good friends with other foreign countries, and that we do not have slaves. He would not be very happy in today’s world. Thomas Jefferson would not approve of American democracy today for three main reasons. The first main reason why Thomas Jefferson would not approve of American democracy today is because of immigration. He never liked the idea of allowing people to come into our country without working and not paying taxes. In The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson, he states “And to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its power in such form.”(112). The government needs to put down the …show more content…

In The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson he states, “It becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another” (112). Jefferson made friendships with other countries so that they would help us and benefit us and now it’s different. “Sometimes, government relations workers advocate for individuals, helping them resolve difficulties with government agencies.” (Crosby). This is kind of along the lines of friendships with different countries, and how Jefferson wanted friends to help benefit him and the