Thomas Jefferson's View Of Food In The Declaration Of Independence

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Food is Freedom Food is one of the most important aspects in our lives. Food isn’t just about eating the food, food is more about sharing ideas and socializing. Thomas Jefferson’s philosophy about food and self-sufficiency is shown in many ways throughout the Declaration of Independence. His eclectic views on food and his obsession with the pursuit of freedom and independence is shown in the Declaration of Independence and is the foundation of the United States today. The Declaration painted a vivid picture of the self made man, who has freedom, and has a variety of choices. After much deliberation, Jefferson wanted to emancipate not only himself but intercede on behalf of all colonial settlers with the same freedoms that he dreamt of. Jefferson exposed the tyrannical acts of England so that he could create the image of the self-sustained man through the writing of the Declaration of Independence. This self-sustained man shows how growing his own food provides more than just sustenance, it provides freedom. The Declaration of Independence shows how England treated the colonies by infringing upon their basic rights. For Example, it states “He [King of England] has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the …show more content…

It can have political and social implications and seen as a way to diffuse cultural identities. Like stated by Lynne Phillips, “...migrant laborers, refugees and resettled populations, immigrants, students, business consultants, nutritionists, agronomists, tourists, and other travelers all play a role in the reproduction and expansion of ideas about food and food systems…” (45). Food would not be the same without people who travel, because when people travel from place to place they influence and change the food around them. They can change the food around them