Principle Of Population Theory

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Thomas Robert Malthus had published two principles which are Principle of Population and Principles of Political Economy. Principle of population that under Malthus’s population theory published on 1798 years and an extended version also published on 1803. However, The Theory of Market Gluts is included in principle of political economy which published in 1820. Malthus’s population theory explains that extent of that poverty and problem can be obviously seen between the lower class of every residents. This theory is unchecked; grow up with geometrically in population growth and food supply rose up in arithmetically. For example, population trends to grow up at the rate of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and etc, however the rate of went up of living is …show more content…

William Godwin distributed an important book which named as An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and Its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness in 1793. This book emphasized on laissez-faire and voluntary wellbeing and sense of justice of personally. William Godwin stated that population limit was set will cause the humanity reject to generate in future. The Marquis de Condorcet (1743-1794) is another scholar who published an influential work about population. His most influential work is Sketch of the Intellectual Progress of Mankind. His work created based on three basic principles which were (1) equality among nations, (2) equality of individuals within nations, and (3) the perfectibility of humanity. This work encourage that all nation should be equality not matter male or female. However, existing laws and organization on that time encourage inequalities. Population rose up when all people received things in equality and food of supply went up rapidly too. These two of published theory of population are opposed with Malthus’s Population Theory. In my opinion, theory population of William Godwin and The Marquis de Condorcet unreality to implement compare with Malthus’s Population Theory because William Godwin emphasized on anarchism and The Marquis de Condorcet emphasized on equality among all nations on its times. A country should have government to manage and equality among nations is unfair to the person who has the ability to earn more on its