Thor Hair Goddess Research Paper

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Thor forced Loki to make a golden headpiece for her. Her hair represents fields of golden wheat. She is the goddess of wheat, family and fertility. Her name means relation to marriage. Thor was her second husband.
9. Frigg- She is the goddess of marriage and motherhood, love and fertility. She shares many characteristics with Freyja. She knows everyone’s destiny however she never reveals them. Frigg has a messenger named Gna who rides on a horse named Hofvarpnir through the sky. It’s believed that Gna had an affair with Odin’s brothers Vili and Ve. Frigg’s day is Friday like Freyja. The women would pray for save labour and delivery for their children to Frigg. Her child is Baldr. In modern times she is used for art and culture.
10. Other Norse Gods and Goddesses include-
Dagr- God of Days
Hel- Goddess of the underworld
Auor- God of Prosperity
Dellingr- God of dawn
Vor- Goddess of wisdom
Vili and Ve- creators of the world
Sjofn- goddess of love
Ran- …show more content…

For example sons had priority over sisters, women had the right to inherit, and sisters had priority over their uncles and grandfathers. The women could inherit the land on their children if they die and had no kids of their own. They use the family laws possibly because the men were always out fighting and raiding. Women were not permitted to vote
8. The women punishment was they had to pick out stones out of boiling water with their bae hand. If they dropped the stones they were guilty. Their punishment was mainly by fire. The thing was made so that there weren’t disagreements between families and friends. After the Vikings became Christian the laws began to be written down.
9.The thing assembly was held one week each spring and autumn. The thing was also used to negotiate property, decide who’s king and set taxes. Sometimes if someone was found guilty of murder they were sentenced to death. The thing is still used today in Scandinavian countries but only