Thoughts On Peace In An Air Raid Language Analysis

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When it comes down to certain writing techniques in an essay, language is the main tool that is used to help the writer persuade and show ones point of view to an audience. The use of language allows the writer clearly state their argument on a certain topic and share those ideas from one person to another person. An important link between the power of language and persuasion is that persuasion it allows certain the writer to influence, and therefore, control their readers and bring them together in search of one common cause. Through the sources listed throughout the essay, the reader gets insight on how language influenced these authors. In the “Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid.” by Virginia Woolf, her main focus in creating this essay was to persuade in a political manner. Woolf argues for peace in a war scene where it seems as if fighting with weapons is the only way to resolve a conflict while also persuading women through the use of language to fight for their freedom of thought which will also aid the men of their country to end the war. In this essay she uses a writing style in the sense that this essay is meant to instruct. By instructing women on how to contribute to the war, Virginia gives women the …show more content…

The author uses scholarly language throughout the essay, like- incontestably, articulate, penalize, unassailable, antecedents, unprecedented journey, which brings a sense of seriousness to the essay. This also gives the author a chance to show his readers that he has a good control of language that he portrays throughout the article. The essay has a nice flow to it and by using demonstrating that use of word choice in this article, Baldwin has the reader do more of some critical thinking on the idea of black

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